Create healthier dishes with fresh herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables,or fresh herbs and olives to decorate!~Cooking is more than just making food to be eaten or feeding yourself, family and friends~ Cooking is an ability to enjoy creating something tasty, healthy, beautiful, health-beneficial, or marvelous!*****There are so many unique things that distinguish a persons' cooking style that to say that one way of cooking is better than another is misinformation. Albeit there are a lot of greatly experienced cooks and chefs, remember, your family has an affinity for some of their favorite dishes and a blue ribbon dish is probably not one of them. Cooking styles come and go and change and flow according to ingredients, availability of fresh vegetables, fruits, spices and grains, though some things never change and that is the comfort foods that are what you and me grew up eating in our family dinner plates. Family is a relative term~ ha, ha, in both senses of the word.** A good family meal is enjoyed with people that congregate together in comfort at the dinner table to enjoy each others company; coupled by great tasting and smelling food.**